By the time you see this post, it will probably be your birthday, so don't have to much fun without us kids. Thanks for having us home, providing us with toys fit for 6-year-olds, feeding us delicious food, and sending us off prepared for the apocalypse with allen wrenches, hammers, car jacks, jumper cables, screwdrivers, ice scrapers, and socket wrenches. We (ok, I - Garrett will be back in 3 days ) can't wait to come see you again soon, and we certainly could not ask for a more thoughtful and providing father. Thanks.
Grandparents, it was a pleasure to have you visit. I certainly hope to make it to Houston to visit y'all soon, as I know we keep discussing. I love you all very much!
Mom, I don't want to leave you out. Thanks for putting up with us while we were home. I know it's easy because we are perfect kids.
Finally, since I am on a role of not leaving anyone out, thank you Maggie. You accepted me as family right from the start. I quickly found out that you probably would have treated me the same if I had been a robber breaking into the house alone, but at the time we met I did not know this about you and therefore felt welcomed home. It was great.
Now, off to the wide-open West again.
Much love, family
Much love, family