“I am going to assume you are suffering from time famine, creeping dread, or – worst case – a tolerable and comfortable existence doing something unfulfilling. The last is the most common and the most insidious.”
– Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek
Most people think I am crazy. When I was deciding, I thought I was crazy. My job allowed me to:
- Play a part in the development of young people’s lives
- Live in the coolest town in the world (personal opinion only)
- Adventure as a means of intermittent recovery by climbing spires in Sedona, hiking the Grand Canyon, thrashing on mountain bike trails, canyoneering, and so much more
- Have monetary gains that far exceeded my losses (mostly a function of how low my losses are on rent in this town)
- Take students on an annual river trip down the San Juan or Colorado Rivers.
- Run side projects based on my interests, like the creation of this website
Seriously, I could have lived in this town and worked this job for the rest of my life and been happy. But that, in itself, scared me. This existence is exactly what Tim Ferriss described in the above quote – this job was easy and comfortable, and yes teaching students is partially fulfilling, but I wanted more. I could tell after the last river trip – I felt as if I taught the students more on a 4-day trip then I had taught them all year in Chemistry. Former teacher Dean Dwyer describes the limiting possibilities of our education system:
"I think it really beats the creativity out of kids, we end up taking any talents they have and making them conform to really rigid ways of making art"
Will I ever reach that world? I have no idea. But, at the end of the day if I don’t at least try to get there, I will never forgive myself. I should mention that there is another reason, which I will write about further. To give you the short version, though, I am deciding to take a chance on a love that makes me happy all the time! With so many thoughts on this there is sure to be an article or many about it.
So, I am making the leap across the void. Am I scared? More – I am freaking terrified. And, that is why I know it is what I need to do.