I keep trying to motivate myself to write more often. I love to write, and I often feel that if I write at least one sentence at the end of every day I get a lot of feelings and ideas out that help me to learn more about myself and untangle confusing emotions.
So why don't I do it!?
Maybe more importantly, what techniques can I use to make myself do this task that I know will make me a better person?
This week's challenge is to start doing something that you have been wanting to do for a while. Learn to play guitar, meditate once a day, pick up a new hobby, track your food for a week, start writing or reading a book, try cooking a new recipe once a week, scare yourself once a day, or whatever it is you have been wanting to do!
Here's how to do it:
- Make your goal small. I wanted to write, so my goal is to write ONE SENTENCE every day before bed. How easy is that!? most of the time, I will probably write more than that, but my commitment is just for one sentence!
- MEASURE results in some way or another! This could be as easy as tracking your completions day to day on a bulletin board in the kitchen, to as complex as tracking your mental performance using Quantified Mind (say if you were meditating or reading every day to see if your mental performance is improving).
- Let other people know that you are doing this challenge, and have them help to keep you accountable. Tell your mom or your best friend and have them check up on you for the week.
- Try using HabitForge to both track your progress and keep yourself accountable.
Let me know how it goes with a post to the site!
So why don't I do it!?
Maybe more importantly, what techniques can I use to make myself do this task that I know will make me a better person?
This week's challenge is to start doing something that you have been wanting to do for a while. Learn to play guitar, meditate once a day, pick up a new hobby, track your food for a week, start writing or reading a book, try cooking a new recipe once a week, scare yourself once a day, or whatever it is you have been wanting to do!
Here's how to do it:
- Make your goal small. I wanted to write, so my goal is to write ONE SENTENCE every day before bed. How easy is that!? most of the time, I will probably write more than that, but my commitment is just for one sentence!
- MEASURE results in some way or another! This could be as easy as tracking your completions day to day on a bulletin board in the kitchen, to as complex as tracking your mental performance using Quantified Mind (say if you were meditating or reading every day to see if your mental performance is improving).
- Let other people know that you are doing this challenge, and have them help to keep you accountable. Tell your mom or your best friend and have them check up on you for the week.
- Try using HabitForge to both track your progress and keep yourself accountable.
Let me know how it goes with a post to the site!