- First, I will start with the bad: writing before bed isn't the best idea for me. Sometimes I have things on my mind that I would like to write about, but because my commitment is for one sentence before bed, I will wait to write about them until later. Then, I forget them before bed, or I am too tired to continue to write for much past ten minutes (which was one of the benefits of this challenge - see the point below! So, what I learned from this is that all that matters is my own honest assessment of my own results. If something is not working, I can change it, which I did. Now, I simply have to write at least one sentence at any time of the day, so if that is immediately upon waking, that if fine and still counts.
- Secondly, my goal was EASY, which is a good thing. One sentence - that is all! But, it allowed me to get started and often times I would write much more once the ideas began to flow. Sometimes, they didn't come out and one sentence was all I wrote, and that was fine, too!
- Thirdly, writing seems to seriously help my own sanity (yet, it also release it to an extent...). It has allowed me to analyze my mood and energy levels and determine the causes behind them, and it allows me to get ideas on paper that weren't fully developed. This way, I can go back to those ideas and develop them further.
- Lastly, using tools like HabitForge can help to keep me going with my goal. Try it out with something you have been working on.
As I alluded to earlier, there were a few things that I worked on with this weekly challenge. Aside from writing, I wanted to really start to experiment with different coffee brands to see how they affect my mental performance, so I have begun an experiment using Quantified Mind to test these effects. Stay tuned for more information on this.
Finally, I also wanted to learn how to learn. Where better to start than with The Four-Hour Chef, the new 'choose your own adventure'-style book out by Tim Ferriss. I picked up a copy and I dove in. I plan to try out Tim's method with cooking in order to understand his techniques, and then I want to experiment from there with more website development - it would be cool to learn a bit more about that! I will make sure to give updates of any revolutionary advice. Pick up a copy for yourself!